Time Tracking

Time Tracking

What is a Timesheet?

A Timesheet is a document used to record the number of hours worked by an employee during a specific period. It serves as a tool for tracking and managing employee attendance, work hours, and tasks completed. Typically, employees track time against specific codes, projects or activities.

Submitting your Timesheet

Users require Time Tracking Access permissions in order to view their Timesheet. Admins can manage these permissions from ‘Manage Users’ in the navigation bar.

  1. Go to the Time Tracking module in the left-hand navigation bar and click on 'My Timesheet'.

  2. Use the drop-down bar on the left to select the time period you are submitting time for.

  3. Navigate through different time periods using the left and right arrows if needed.

  4. Select the activity you want to track time for. For multiple activities, add each as a new line item.

  5. Select the appropriate cell for the date and activity, then enter the time spent on the task.

  6. Be aware that there might be a limit on the maximum hours you can log each day, set by your admin. If exceeded, the total row will turn yellow, and you will be unable to submit your timesheet.

If Timesheet Approvals have been enabled by your organisation your time will be colour coded according to the following criteria:

  • Submitted time, not approved: grey

  • Approved time: blue

  • Revoked time: red

Note, that you are only able to submit grey values. If your timesheet has been revoked, you must re-enter all values to turn them grey before re-submitting.

Editing your Timesheet

To edit a previous entry, simply click into the cell you want to edit, enter the new time and submit your timesheet again. This is only available for time periods which have not been locked.

To delete an entry, simply edit the time entry in the cell to 0. If there are no previous time entries against that activity you’ll be able to delete the entire row once you’ve submitted the 0 values.

Editing Another User’s Timesheet

This feature is only available to Admins.

To access the Timesheets section, go to the left-hand menu and click on Time Tracking and then Timesheets.

  1. Here, you will see a list of all the users' timesheets. You can search within this list and select the user whose timesheet you want to edit.

  2. When you open their timesheet, it will look similar to your own, but with a banner indicating that you are editing another user's timesheet.

  3. You can then make the necessary edits and click "submit" to save the changes.

Time Tracking in APM & LPM

Time tracking is an important part of agile portfolio management (APM) and lean portfolio management (LPM). Without time tracking, it is not possible to accurately measure capital expenditure and budget consumption against lean business cases.

Time tracking is also an important part of measuring agile maturity. It enables organizations to retrospectively assess the accuracy of forecasts. For more information on the relationship between time tracking, lean portfolio management and agile portfolio management, have a look at the resources below.

Lean Project Accounting Whitepaper

Financial Tracking in Kiplot